+ 55 11 3091-5332

Founded on November 30, 1952, this institution constitutes the most important Higher Education Center in the central region of Cuba and is awarded the condition of Excellence, granted by the National Accreditation Board in 2016. It is made up of: the central headquarters, the “Félix Varela” pedagogical headquarters and the Faculty of Physical Culture. The Central University "Marta Abreu" of Las Villas, the most interdisciplinary in the country, has an enrollment of 11,497 students and 2,036 professors, located in 12 faculties, in which 54 careers are studied that cover the humanistic sciences, techniques and sciences. natural. In addition, it offers 29 doctoral programs, 44 academic Master's programs and 4 specialties. Read More.....

Team Members

Idalberto Moya

Main Contact Person

UCLV Coordinator

More About Universidad Central “Marta Abreu” de Las Villas (UCLV)